October 4, 2007

I’m Loving It

Posted in Building "Church", God, In the World at 4:20 am by questy

Ok, so once again I’m theiving someone else’s marketing campaign. So sue me.

Why do I choose the McSlogan for today’s thoughts? Perhaps because I’m thinking about our poor wayfaring McChurch.

I had the opportunity to visit a friend at his church this past weekend. I came, worshipped, listened, and left. I appreciated what the pastor had to share and even the time of worship. I tried to get into what was going on, and looked for a hint.. yes a glimmer of God moving, craving to encounter with Him and perhaps be different than when I arrived.

No such luck.

Fast forward to this evening.

On my drive home, I pass through a few neighborhoods and “back ways” to get to my house. It’s a ritual I follow every day, as my commute is nearly an hour and a half on a good day. I looked around as I passed through these neighborhoods and wondered what would change their world. What events could rock them to their foundations, and bring them face to face with a living God.

While I do meet God from time to time in the house of worship (for He most certainly still visits), it seems that major, life-changing events are fewer and farther between than ever before.

When can we go from playing church to major, life-changing, world shaking events? What does it take to eschew the status quo, and let God rock your world?

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